Prolific abuser Stephen Jolly punches sex worker in face at post-election victory party

Tonight, locally renowned ugly mug Steve Jolly demonstrated his well-known and long history of violence against women by coward punching a sex worker in an unprovoked fit of rage when a group of proud, pissed-off prostitutes attended his post-election victory soiree, #JollyOnTop.

The event, held at Vintage Garage (323 Smith Street), was an interesting venue choice for this ‘man of the people’, who opted for a Fitzroy hipster hellscape boutique bar, rather than than a union hall or community space.

Within literal seconds of the whores entering the bar and extending their congratulations to Yarra residents for re-electing the area’s most prolific sexual predator to the local council, Steve strode over to the group and punched one of the sex workers in the face, cheered on by his sycophantic petty bourgeois supporters.

Clearly from the less radical elements among Steve’s supporter base, his loudly obsequious mates stood threateningly over a cornered and supine protester whose crutches were snatched away and was pushed to the ground, berated them with lines such as “if it was true, why wouldn’t you go to the police?”. Adding insult to injury, Steve’s patrons refused to return their mobility aid, despite the worker’s repeated insistence they were unable to stand without it.

A particularly odious gaggle of pick-me girls screeched “she doesn’t need crutches”, whilst aggressively surrounding the protester, attempting to remove their mask and menacingly shoving a phone in their face. In a demonstration of feminist credentials, they also screamed “let the men sort it out” as they shoved several other women towards the exit with all the hostile enthusiasm of defenders on a thugby field.

The group of militant whores- which included a survivor of Steve’s grooming and sexual harassment– undertook this action to expose the real Steve Jolly. The self-described narcissist (hi Richard) and violent abuser went mask-off, leaving us with no doubt of what he’s like behind closed doors when no-one’s watching. His behavior, sense of entitlement, and impunity mirror the actions of some of the worlds’ most infamous reactionary misogynists (take your pick).

This action was not just calling out Steve- it is also an indictment of every spinless leftie who has known about his prolific history of abuse and has remained silent – enabling it to continue.

Over the years we have been told the issues are “too complex” or “not serious enough” to warrant consequences, further action, or even public acknowledgment – dismissing the growing list of allegations as mere rumors. Tonight we saw what happens when abusers are emboldened by fawning self-serving scum.

We wont hold our breathe for justice – let this be a message to fauxcialist Steve, his phony cronies, and cringeworthy comrades – you cannot beat us into silence or submission and we are not intimidated by your pathetic ilk.

Viva La Puta!

Jane’s Revenge: Communique Claiming Responsibility for Fire-bombing an Anti-abortion Office

Given the recent braying and praying from local Liberal Party luminary, the unfortunate Bernie Finn, this seemed an apt article to share. Earlier this week, the office of an Amerikkkan anti-abortion organization located in Wisconsin was firebombed by anarcho-feminists of praxis, operating under the moniker Jane’s Revenge. (Ostensibly the group is named in recognition of… Continue reading Jane’s Revenge: Communique Claiming Responsibility for Fire-bombing an Anti-abortion Office